To Add Terms of Service or Conditions Almond Classifieds Component for Joomla!
To Select Terms of Service or Conditions option if we select while submitting form
Go to root\components\com_aclsfgpl folder
Open forms.php
Put java script in top of the file
<script language="javascript">
var enableDownloadButtonPD = 0;
function enableDownloadPD() {
if (enableDownloadButtonPD == 0) {
document.getElementById('test').disabled = false;
document.getElementById('test').style.backgroundColor = '';
enableDownloadButtonPD = 1; }
else {
document.getElementById('test').disabled = true;
document.getElementById('test').style.backgroundColor = 'red';
enableDownloadButtonPD = 0; }
go to around line no: 815
Replace this code
if ($jsfrmch=="yes"){
$thtml=$thtml. "
<input type='checkbox' onclick='enableDownloadPD()' id='terms_condiction' name='license_agree'/>
<input type='button' disabled='' id='test' value='".$msg2['Submit_Ad_v']."' class=formst STYLE='FONT-WEIGHT: bold;'