November 26, 2010

To concatenate two string using fwrite()

echo "{a href='sampl.php?id=hai'}Click Here{/a}";
$fp = fopen('data.txt', 'a');
//fwrite($fp, );
fwrite($fp, $_REQUEST['id']);


November 9, 2010

How To Make A Website Without Any Coding Knowledge - Joomla!

Module Positions

You can use this url to find out where all your modules are. Great to print out and keep as a reference:

November 3, 2010

Print the article title in the Joomla1.5 template

Print the title in the index.php where ever you want


echo $mainframe->getPageTitle();

Remove home button from main menu in joomla1.5

Remove home button from main menu in joomla1.5

.menu li.item1

While refreshing different color changing

Use this javascript:

var color=new Array(7);

function changeColor()
var ranNum= Math.floor(Math.random()*7);

and use this onload function in the body tag

'[body onload="changeColor()"]'


[div id="div1" name="div1" style="height:5px;"][/div]

Round Corner using CSS(Border property)

Hi friends!

Let me share some useful tips for round corner in all browser support

Please find this link

Official site:

CSS positioning within a container

One of the best things about CSS is that you can position an object absolutely anywhere you want in the document. It's also possible (and often desirable) to position objects within a container. It's simple to do too. Simply assign the following CSS rule to the container:

position: relative

Now any element within this container will be positioned relative to it. Say you had this HTML structure:

To position the navigation exactly 30px from the left and 5px from the top of the container box, you could use these CSScommands:

position: absolute;
left: 30px;
top: 5px

Perfect! In this particular example, you could of course also use margin: 5px 0 0 30px, but there are some cases where it's preferable to use positioning.

Two classes together

Usually attributes are assigned just one class, but this doesn't mean that that's all you're allowed. In reality, you can assign as many classes as you like! For example:

[p class="text side"]...[/p]

Replace [ by <>

Using these two classes together (separated by a space, not with a comma) means that the paragraph calls up the rules assigned to both text and side. If any rules overlap between the two classes then the class which is below the other in the CSS document will take precedence.

CSS font shorthand rule

CSS tricks you may not know:

When styling fonts with CSS you may be doing this:

font-weight: bold;
font-style: italic;
font-variant: small-caps;
font-size: 1em;
line-height: 1.5em;
font-family: verdana,sans-serif

There's no need though as you can use this CSS shorthand property:

font: bold italic small-caps 1em/1.5em verdana,sans-serif

Much better! Just a few of words of warning: This CSS shorthand version will only work if you're specifying both thefont-size and the font-family. The font-family command must always be at the very end of this shorthand command, and font-size must come directly before this. Also, if you don't specify the font-weight, font-style, orfont-variant then these values will automatically default to a value of normal, so do bear this in mind too.

November 2, 2010

Use onclick instead of Hyperlink


for eg: ' {a href="" onclick="window.location.replace('path');"} text{/a}

For reload use just like refresh


JavaScript Lightbox without JQuery

* The special feature for this lightbox is that
  • It works clearly on all browsers.
  • And it may provide lightbox facility to all need which developer focuses(display image,text,form,entire div element and so on)...
* A simple thing u need to do is just call the function openbox(1) via onclick,onmouseover...

* And mention the id="box" to the element u want to display under lightbox function.

* Before that u need to put the empty div with id="filter"

* Say for example

Element you want to display

[div id = "filter" ] [/ div ]
[ div id = "box" ] Element you want to display [/div]
[a href="JavaScript:void(0)" onclick="openbox(1)"]Click here to view lightbox[/a]

Note: Replace [ by < and ] by >
