April 14, 2011

JFBConnect 2.5 - Facebook Connect for Joomla


  • Added ability to post status message updates to Facebook on registration or login. Also available to 3rd party devs

  • Added "Always Map" option. When set, the CB or JS profile is updated when a user logs back in instead of just at registration as previously

  • Updated login/logout logic. Now the standard Logout button in any login module will log the user out of the site properly (i.e. you no longer need to use the JFBCLogin module to let users logout).

  • Community Builder - Default fields are now setup for a user before their data is imported from Facebook

  • Community Builder - Set new user Approve/Confirm email based on your CB confg settings

  • Added a check to ensure the Facebook Connect URL looks correct

  • Added "Remember Me" button to JFBCLogin module

  • Added pagination to the Usermap listing in the admin area

  • Added plugin/module check to home page to ensure that the authentication plugin and (new) user plugins are enabled

  • Updated the Facebook Connect client library

Here is the updated pack with 2.5.3



